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Friday, June 01, 2007

New Mommy Files, Part 2

I'm fat. It's all I thought about this morning, at work, on the way home and as I put on my pajamas. You know that Weight Watchers commercial where Jenny McCarthy says she was hoping she would come home with a 60-pound baby? Well, I think that I secretly thought that, too. I expected the baby weight to disappear shortly after the baby arrived. Now I didn't expect instant results, but it's been four months! I gained a total of 40 pounds. The first 20 just disappeared. I thought the other 20 would be a breeze. But now my tummy looks like it did when I was about four months pregnant. I still wear my maternity pants and my feet still swell up from time to time. What the hell is going on here?

I never really had a weight problem and was thankful for it. I always said that I didn't have enough discipline to lose massive amounts of weight. I've gained two pounds this week alone. Yes, I said GAINED. I barely ate today because I was too busy at work. I came home and hopped on the scale and had lost two ounces. This is going to be a long road. I used to laugh at my mom when she said you need a strong foundation. No, not faith or morals or bricks. She was talking about support underwear. Now I know. I am the proud owner of shaper underwear that comes up to my chest and a pair of tummy flattener panties that I swear is so tough it's probably bulletproof.

Maybe it's time to put vanity on the shelf. My body has done a pretty amazing thing. It carried another human for nine months and now with the breastfeeding, it is sustaining a human. I definitely look at my body differently. The battle scar from the C-section. The faint stretch marks from my stomach stretching to fit little Raine. And I'll never look at my boobs the same again. With all that said, I quickly put my visions of being a cute pregnant woman aside; must I now stifle my vision of being a cute mommy of an infant? I think not! Operation svelte mommy is in full effect. I don't know how I'm going to lose 25 pounds. The only way I've been able to drop any pounds was by hopping on my treadmill every day. But in my new place, there's no room for it. And the walls and floors are so thin the neighbors would probably call the cops for disturbing the peace.

But I'll figure it out. I need to lose the weight, not just to look good from the side in my pre-pregnancy jeans, but so I have the energy to keep up with a baby. She'll be up and running in about seven months. I'm no spring chicken. I waited until I was 39 to have my first child. But with a little dedication hopefully this chicken will be clucking her way back to a size 6. Pray for me. I'll keep you posted.

Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion


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