New Mommy Files, Part 3
It’s Friday and I’ve made it through another week of working mama drama. But today I have to share something I thought was so funny. My 5-year-old niece India is fascinated by all things baby. She just eats up her new little cousin Raine. So I was at her house last night and started to breastfeed Raine. Since India, like most toddlers, has a mind like a steel trap, she remembers everything— ncluding me saying something about the possibility of milk ducts getting clogged. But she thought I called them milk ducks. So as I’m sitting there feeding Raine, India puts here finger on my breast and asks, “Aunt Cia, is this a milk duck?” I say, “Yes it is,” thinking she said duct. She looks up at me so seriously and in agreement says, “I know. I can feel the beak.” Gotta love her.
And speaking of breasts…I think breastfeeding evokes the same feelings about boobs that getting a boob job does—it’s like they are not yours anymore. They’re more like objects and can be flashed anywhere. Hence, me just whipping them out sitting in the middle of my sister’s family room.
Here’s another mommy moment. I just recently returned to work and on my first day back I happened to look down and I saw a huge wet spot on the front of my shirt! Worst fears officially confirmed—Houston we have a problem—leakage. It never occurred to me to bring an extra shirt. I had my Lansinoh pads in and all (Lansinoh is by far the best pads that I used). The buildup was just too much for a mere pad to swallow. So I casually walked to the bathroom, only to remember there is no hand dryer in there. I ran into a stall, whipped off my shirt and stood over the toilet squeezing the milk out. I only pray there were no cameras around. Nothing on YouTube yet. As for the milk-soaked shirt, I created as much heat as possible from good old-fashioned friction. It worked and I went back to work, but I could only think of how different my life has become.
But enough about me. Raine turned 4 months yesterday. And I’m noticing a difference in her abilities. She’s able to roll from her side to her back and to her side again. She laughs along with you, which is so cute. And she’s also learning how to use those hands. So when your little one turns 4 months, watch the hoop earrings. I used to be able to eat with Raine sitting on my lap. But the other day, she grabbed my bowl of cereal and almost flung it all over me.
And speaking of me again…I talked, well, e-mailed, a friend of mine from college. She has this great Web site, me (moms extraordinaire). And to lift from the site (I hope you don’t mind, Monique): The mission is to ensure that mothers Remember! Remember their passion, creativity, spontaneity, strength, sensuality, sense of self and purpose, while being a great mom. Now isn’t that what we’re all striving for? Go to this weekend and let it soak in. In my short four months of mommyhood, I can already feel the “me” draining from my system. But as soon as I e-mailed Monique, and talked to my other college friend, Virginia, I felt like I had plugged the leak. It was a little reminder that although I can add mommy to the resume, I have ideas from way back that don’t have to be put on the shelf. So note to all new mommies—keep your friends close. Whether they know it or not, they’ll keep YOU on track.
Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion
And speaking of breasts…I think breastfeeding evokes the same feelings about boobs that getting a boob job does—it’s like they are not yours anymore. They’re more like objects and can be flashed anywhere. Hence, me just whipping them out sitting in the middle of my sister’s family room.
Here’s another mommy moment. I just recently returned to work and on my first day back I happened to look down and I saw a huge wet spot on the front of my shirt! Worst fears officially confirmed—Houston we have a problem—leakage. It never occurred to me to bring an extra shirt. I had my Lansinoh pads in and all (Lansinoh is by far the best pads that I used). The buildup was just too much for a mere pad to swallow. So I casually walked to the bathroom, only to remember there is no hand dryer in there. I ran into a stall, whipped off my shirt and stood over the toilet squeezing the milk out. I only pray there were no cameras around. Nothing on YouTube yet. As for the milk-soaked shirt, I created as much heat as possible from good old-fashioned friction. It worked and I went back to work, but I could only think of how different my life has become.
But enough about me. Raine turned 4 months yesterday. And I’m noticing a difference in her abilities. She’s able to roll from her side to her back and to her side again. She laughs along with you, which is so cute. And she’s also learning how to use those hands. So when your little one turns 4 months, watch the hoop earrings. I used to be able to eat with Raine sitting on my lap. But the other day, she grabbed my bowl of cereal and almost flung it all over me.
And speaking of me again…I talked, well, e-mailed, a friend of mine from college. She has this great Web site, me (moms extraordinaire). And to lift from the site (I hope you don’t mind, Monique): The mission is to ensure that mothers Remember! Remember their passion, creativity, spontaneity, strength, sensuality, sense of self and purpose, while being a great mom. Now isn’t that what we’re all striving for? Go to this weekend and let it soak in. In my short four months of mommyhood, I can already feel the “me” draining from my system. But as soon as I e-mailed Monique, and talked to my other college friend, Virginia, I felt like I had plugged the leak. It was a little reminder that although I can add mommy to the resume, I have ideas from way back that don’t have to be put on the shelf. So note to all new mommies—keep your friends close. Whether they know it or not, they’ll keep YOU on track.
Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion
At 1:52 PM,
Monique Pryor said…
Your niece sounds too cute for words. I remember those breastfeeding days. Yes, it is great for the baby and bonding..yadayadayada. But, I must admit, that I do not miss it at all. The part I do miss is how voluptuous my boobs looked and enjoying a few months of having cleavage.
Thanks for the shout-out for I truly enjoy encouraging and inspiring my fellow sisters to "do their thing." Connecting with you Marcia after so many years was nothing but the universe bringing two like minds together to look out for one another. In my mother's book, "It's Your Turn," she ,"(Dr. Barbara Collins)advisises that everyone should have a personal board of directors. A select few of people who will guide you, uplift you and tell you like it is as you as you pursue your goals and discover your truth. I hereby nominate Marcia Caster to be on my board. You are a dynamic working mother making it happen.
Monique Pryor
Me, Moms Extraordinaire
P.S. You are not fat! Give me some of those boobs girl. :)
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