New Mommy Files, Part 4
I realized something very important this week—moms can’t get sick. Of course this knowledge was floating around in my head, remembering my mom tending to the sick and shut-in as she sneezed and wheezed her way around. But it’s a bit more meaningful once it happens to you. Monday I just had to call in sick to work. I had the worst sore throat and head congestion and Raine had a fever from her round of four shots the doctor gave her over the weekend. Both of us were pretty pitiful; however, she was the only one who got to “sleep it off.”
Moms really do have to develop that extra something that keeps us going when all we want to do is jump in the bed and pull the covers over our heads—just like in the good old days. I slowly feel myself morphing into a robot; one with feelings but definitely one on automatic pilot. But we made it through our first sick day together. I guess we’ll have plenty more over the course of the next 18 years.
Now, about that weight loss I told you all about. Well I haven’t stepped on the scale this week, but last week I was one pound lighter. Yeah!! I’ll take what I can get. I feel lighter, but I’m not going to get all excited. I’ve cut back on the portions and the bread and added more water to the diet. But what I’m really excited about is the exercise. I discovered On Demand. I never channel surfed that high before, but around channel 1000 and something, Time Warner Cable has Exercise On Demand. It’s the only way I fit in any exercise. Everything is there. Yoga. Mommy Exercise. Pilates. Abs. Buns. Stretches. All in bite-sized snippets. Seven-minute abs class here. Fourteen-minute stretches there. Whenever Raine falls asleep I quickly tune in to another class that’s perfectly timed for the overweight mommy of a nearly newborn. It’s free, too. I’m sure we’re paying as part of our monthly cable bill, but at least I don’t have to pay each time the mood to move hits me. I highly recommend exercise. Just these brief workouts have helped my body feel better overall—even my sore feet. I look better too, if I do say so myself. But I think that has more to do with something else I learned this week—SPANX uber shapewear is great!!!
Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion
Moms really do have to develop that extra something that keeps us going when all we want to do is jump in the bed and pull the covers over our heads—just like in the good old days. I slowly feel myself morphing into a robot; one with feelings but definitely one on automatic pilot. But we made it through our first sick day together. I guess we’ll have plenty more over the course of the next 18 years.
Now, about that weight loss I told you all about. Well I haven’t stepped on the scale this week, but last week I was one pound lighter. Yeah!! I’ll take what I can get. I feel lighter, but I’m not going to get all excited. I’ve cut back on the portions and the bread and added more water to the diet. But what I’m really excited about is the exercise. I discovered On Demand. I never channel surfed that high before, but around channel 1000 and something, Time Warner Cable has Exercise On Demand. It’s the only way I fit in any exercise. Everything is there. Yoga. Mommy Exercise. Pilates. Abs. Buns. Stretches. All in bite-sized snippets. Seven-minute abs class here. Fourteen-minute stretches there. Whenever Raine falls asleep I quickly tune in to another class that’s perfectly timed for the overweight mommy of a nearly newborn. It’s free, too. I’m sure we’re paying as part of our monthly cable bill, but at least I don’t have to pay each time the mood to move hits me. I highly recommend exercise. Just these brief workouts have helped my body feel better overall—even my sore feet. I look better too, if I do say so myself. But I think that has more to do with something else I learned this week—SPANX uber shapewear is great!!!
Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion
At 3:36 PM,
kenspen said…
LOL. As a not-so-new mom, (I have sons 10 & 13)I'd like to welcome you to the club of mombots. You're right. Sick is not an option. On the exercise front, you have a great attitude, get it when you can where you can. Parenting has a way of claiming your time, but with diligence you can get to the weight you want.
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