Atlanta, Here We Come!
Do you love the Buick/Heart & Soul Health and Wellness Pavilion tour? Do you want more? Have no fear; this tour is far from over! We’ve made our mark in Dallas, Memphis, Baltimore, and now we are headed to Atlanta.
Heart & Soul will be visiting Atlanta’s Stone Mountain Park from noon to 6 p.m. on July 28. Radio One’s family of four stations will create a festival that will be one of the biggest urban family events of the summer, filled with celebrities performers, tons of food and plenty of family fun. The Buick/Heart & Soul Health and Wellness Pavilion is the perfect “vehicle” to showcase our brands.
The Heart & Soul team of specialists, including fitness expert Mocha Lee, nutritionist Surina Jordan, Ph.D., and Healthy Weight Plan chef Kathryn Clay, who had lost more than 50 pounds, will give health and fitness demonstrations that are guaranteed to help you have a healthier lifestyle. Crème of Nature, Black Radiance and Nubian Heritage will also be joining us again to provide lots of fun, lots of information and a ton of free give-a-ways.
Plus, you can learn about our cover model search and meet publisher Edwin Avent, as well as editorial director Yanick Rice Lamb and contributing editor Joyce Davis, both of whom will be signing copies of their latest books. Yanick is the co-author of "Born to Win: The Authorized Biography of Althea Gibson" (Wiley) and "Rise & Fly: Tall Tales and Mostly True Rules of Bid Whist." Joyce is author of the popular teen book "Can't Stop the Shine" (Kimani Press).
Our last stop in Baltimore was full of history and culture. The audience listened to great music while participating in exhilarating health and fitness demonstrations. If you haven’t attended already, trust me, you want to visit the next tour stop near you.
Soul mates don’t forget to come back to and give us feedback on what you thought of our tour. We want to hear your success stories, or if we need to improve. Our goal is to help you live a healthy, wealthy and wise lifestyle.
2007 Buick/Heart & Soul Health and Wellness Pavilion Tour
June 16
Dallas, Fair Park Fairgrounds
June 23
Memphis, Audubon Park
June 6, 7, 8
Baltimore, Camden Yards
July 28
Atlanta, Stone Mountain Park
Aug. 11
Washington, D.C., RFK Stadium
Aug. 19
Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Sept. 2
Houston, Eleanor Tinsley Park
Dominique Jones
Heart & Soul will be visiting Atlanta’s Stone Mountain Park from noon to 6 p.m. on July 28. Radio One’s family of four stations will create a festival that will be one of the biggest urban family events of the summer, filled with celebrities performers, tons of food and plenty of family fun. The Buick/Heart & Soul Health and Wellness Pavilion is the perfect “vehicle” to showcase our brands.
The Heart & Soul team of specialists, including fitness expert Mocha Lee, nutritionist Surina Jordan, Ph.D., and Healthy Weight Plan chef Kathryn Clay, who had lost more than 50 pounds, will give health and fitness demonstrations that are guaranteed to help you have a healthier lifestyle. Crème of Nature, Black Radiance and Nubian Heritage will also be joining us again to provide lots of fun, lots of information and a ton of free give-a-ways.
Plus, you can learn about our cover model search and meet publisher Edwin Avent, as well as editorial director Yanick Rice Lamb and contributing editor Joyce Davis, both of whom will be signing copies of their latest books. Yanick is the co-author of "Born to Win: The Authorized Biography of Althea Gibson" (Wiley) and "Rise & Fly: Tall Tales and Mostly True Rules of Bid Whist." Joyce is author of the popular teen book "Can't Stop the Shine" (Kimani Press).
Our last stop in Baltimore was full of history and culture. The audience listened to great music while participating in exhilarating health and fitness demonstrations. If you haven’t attended already, trust me, you want to visit the next tour stop near you.
Soul mates don’t forget to come back to and give us feedback on what you thought of our tour. We want to hear your success stories, or if we need to improve. Our goal is to help you live a healthy, wealthy and wise lifestyle.
2007 Buick/Heart & Soul Health and Wellness Pavilion Tour
June 16
Dallas, Fair Park Fairgrounds
June 23
Memphis, Audubon Park
June 6, 7, 8
Baltimore, Camden Yards
July 28
Atlanta, Stone Mountain Park
Aug. 11
Washington, D.C., RFK Stadium
Aug. 19
Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Sept. 2
Houston, Eleanor Tinsley Park
Dominique Jones
At 8:35 PM,
blaqdymond said…
WOW!! What a day! I rediscovered Heart & Soul magazine today. I attended the Ultimate Family Reunion Experience in Atlanta and my kids and I had a ball!! The atmosphere was welcoming and it was VERY well organized. There was plenty of entertainment for adults and children. Rahsaan Patterson, Sunshine Anderson, and Sol Factor ROCKED Stone Mountain Park. I met some very interesting people, including Yanick Rice Lamb, Heart & Soul's Editor and Chief. I am sending off for my subsccription ASAP!!! Keep doing what you do Heart & Soul.....
Rubye Smith
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