New Mommy Files, Part 6
It really does take a village to raise a child. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have people to turn to for a helping hand. The only reason that I am able to write this right now is because Raine is with her Auntie for the afternoon. I’m lucky. I do have a support system. But it is still difficult to keep up. Organizations like Mocha Moms seemed cute but hardly necessary during my pre-mommy days. Now I completely see the value in them. I see why my girlfriend in California so looked forward to the Mocha Mom get-togethers and play dates. It’s nothing like being around women who share similar hurdles and triumphs. And having an extra hand or two in the same room as your charming little one doesn’t hurt, either. Even when Raine’s dad is knocked out on the couch, it’s still easier to take care of a child with someone else around. Simple things like taking a shower or washing the dishes takes an ingenious plan or two. I’ve strapped Raine on me in her Snugli as I cooked and strolled her around in the baby carriage as I cleaned the house. Whatever works.
And you know, you really can’t be shy about asking for help. I hate asking for help in any area of life (which isn’t good). But not asking for help when it comes to raising a child is not good for parents or baby. Nothing is worse for a child than a stressed out, overextended parent. So I’ve had to put my pride on the shelf and ask for a break when I need it. Granted, it’s only been 5 months since I’ve entered mommyhood, but that is one lesson that I learned quick. And I encourage all new mommies and daddies to reach out and ask for resources, a helping hand or a break whenever necessary. Your whole family will benefit.
On to a very practical tip—I found a new use for my exercise ball. It’s great for getting Raine to sleep. We have our little evening routine—a sudsy bath, baby massage and then I feed her while I sit on the ball. The bouncing action of the ball takes the work away from my arms that usually get the bounce going. I highly recommend one. It helps with the sit-ups, too, but I must be honest here: I use it mostly to get Raine to drift off to sleep.
I’m not talking about my weight this week. No major pound loss to report. My girlfriend reminded me again to give myself 9 months to get this weight off and I am taking her advice. I’ve looked into a gym down the street that has daycare. I think I’m going to have to go that route. A little exercise (or in my case, a lot) will do this body good!
Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion
And you know, you really can’t be shy about asking for help. I hate asking for help in any area of life (which isn’t good). But not asking for help when it comes to raising a child is not good for parents or baby. Nothing is worse for a child than a stressed out, overextended parent. So I’ve had to put my pride on the shelf and ask for a break when I need it. Granted, it’s only been 5 months since I’ve entered mommyhood, but that is one lesson that I learned quick. And I encourage all new mommies and daddies to reach out and ask for resources, a helping hand or a break whenever necessary. Your whole family will benefit.
On to a very practical tip—I found a new use for my exercise ball. It’s great for getting Raine to sleep. We have our little evening routine—a sudsy bath, baby massage and then I feed her while I sit on the ball. The bouncing action of the ball takes the work away from my arms that usually get the bounce going. I highly recommend one. It helps with the sit-ups, too, but I must be honest here: I use it mostly to get Raine to drift off to sleep.
I’m not talking about my weight this week. No major pound loss to report. My girlfriend reminded me again to give myself 9 months to get this weight off and I am taking her advice. I’ve looked into a gym down the street that has daycare. I think I’m going to have to go that route. A little exercise (or in my case, a lot) will do this body good!
Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion
At 5:09 PM,
M.C.T. said…
The exercise ball trick is a great one, Marcia... I used it with my little godson in his first week; it just lets you move in ways you're way too tired to sustain at 3 a.m. Thanks for sharing with us, and keep on keeping on :-)...
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