New Mommy Files, Part 11
Can we have it all? Family? Career? Hot body? Vacation time? Steamy relationship? Friends? Great hair? Well this ponytailed girl is beginning to think not. It’s getting kinda hectic around here. My hats are off to all of the mothers out there who are climbing the corporate ladder, pursuing entrepreneurial ventures, living far from family and friends, or just plain looking good. Raine’s dad and I are tag teaming it the best we can. Plus, we have the support of family who help in a huge way. But the juggling act I perform every day creates more than a three-ring circus. I’m beginning to think that the moms who appear to have it all together are either jobless, rich, or never see their kids.
This blog was supposed to be all about babies. But I’m quickly learning mommyhood has less to do about the actual baby and more about you. How do you handle stress? How organized are you? What kind of support system do you have? Do you have a sense of humor? All of these things determine how well you adapt to your new life. Let me tell you, this week was rough. I had an official meltdown in front of my boss. I couldn’t take it. I’m half living at my sister’s because she watches Raine during the day (what a huge blessing!), and she lives 45 minutes away from me. By the time I get to her house from work, there’s really no point in heading home. Plus Marc has been away for the better part of a month because of his ailing grandmother. Mail is piling up. Bills are late. And I’m realizing I’m not as organized as I thought I was.
When big poppa gets back in town, we’re having a powwow. Time to buckle up and be grown up! (I was afraid that was going to eventually happen.) I’ll let you know how it goes. How do you moms out there keep it all together? Do you live by a schedule? Wake up at 4 a.m. to exercise? Have a mandatory date night with your significant other? Work part-time? Please let a sista know. I know some changes have to be made but I just want to make the right ones. Lucky for us Raine is a chill baby. She just sits back and watches Mommy and Daddy trying to keep everything on track.
With all of the packing I’ve been doing over the last three weeks, I’ve realized that with a baby, the overnight bag does not exist! We stayed in Virginia two nights and between the three of us had two uprights, two duffel bags, two computer totes, one diaper tote and a garment bag. I did come across some items that the whole family can use, though. That’s a few less bottles and jars to pack. Carol’s Daughter's Tui Hair Oil is great! Marc uses it all of the time. It smells so good and it only takes a dab on little Raine’s hair to give it sheen and softness. To rid the family of ash, try Vaseline Intensive Care’s Baby Oil gel; it’s a lot safer to pack than the ready-to-spill baby oil and it gives Momma’s skin a sexy sheen. On those humid, miserably hot days, I borrow Raine’s lavendar scented Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder. It’s cool and refreshing! Let me know if you have any more products that you, Dad and the baby can share.
Talk to you next week!
Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion
This blog was supposed to be all about babies. But I’m quickly learning mommyhood has less to do about the actual baby and more about you. How do you handle stress? How organized are you? What kind of support system do you have? Do you have a sense of humor? All of these things determine how well you adapt to your new life. Let me tell you, this week was rough. I had an official meltdown in front of my boss. I couldn’t take it. I’m half living at my sister’s because she watches Raine during the day (what a huge blessing!), and she lives 45 minutes away from me. By the time I get to her house from work, there’s really no point in heading home. Plus Marc has been away for the better part of a month because of his ailing grandmother. Mail is piling up. Bills are late. And I’m realizing I’m not as organized as I thought I was.
When big poppa gets back in town, we’re having a powwow. Time to buckle up and be grown up! (I was afraid that was going to eventually happen.) I’ll let you know how it goes. How do you moms out there keep it all together? Do you live by a schedule? Wake up at 4 a.m. to exercise? Have a mandatory date night with your significant other? Work part-time? Please let a sista know. I know some changes have to be made but I just want to make the right ones. Lucky for us Raine is a chill baby. She just sits back and watches Mommy and Daddy trying to keep everything on track.
With all of the packing I’ve been doing over the last three weeks, I’ve realized that with a baby, the overnight bag does not exist! We stayed in Virginia two nights and between the three of us had two uprights, two duffel bags, two computer totes, one diaper tote and a garment bag. I did come across some items that the whole family can use, though. That’s a few less bottles and jars to pack. Carol’s Daughter's Tui Hair Oil is great! Marc uses it all of the time. It smells so good and it only takes a dab on little Raine’s hair to give it sheen and softness. To rid the family of ash, try Vaseline Intensive Care’s Baby Oil gel; it’s a lot safer to pack than the ready-to-spill baby oil and it gives Momma’s skin a sexy sheen. On those humid, miserably hot days, I borrow Raine’s lavendar scented Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder. It’s cool and refreshing! Let me know if you have any more products that you, Dad and the baby can share.
Talk to you next week!
Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion
At 8:11 PM,
april said…
I am only going to say. If single moms can do it, you can too. You have a support system. Re-evalate your life. It sounds like you need to de-clutter for clarity. I wish you luck!
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