Heart & Soul Magazine's Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Notes

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Friday, September 21, 2007

New Mommy Files, Part 16

Having a job is, well, a job. But being a working mom is its own animal altogether. I've spoken to some of my other mommy friends so I know I am not alone when I simply say, "It's hard!" I'm not even bringing in the daycare part of the situation. I'm just talking about plain-out working. My level of concentration seems to have dropped along with the boobs. Why is it now nearly impossible for me to sit at my desk and think something through? And my memory has gone by the wayside, too. I look back fondly on the days when I could hold a thought I wanted to jot down long enough to make it back to my desk from the bathroom. I don't know whether to attribute these lapses on age, pregnancy, mommyhood or maybe it's a combination of all of the above.

I also didn't realize how useful quiet time at home was when it came to gathering my thoughts or organizing myself for work. Can't come up with a headline? No problem. I'll do it at home. Need to plan out an agenda for a meeting? No problem. I'll type it up at home. No more, honey. Those days are long gone. What I can't accomplish in a day's work just won't get done. I have tried too many times (unsuccessfully!) to clear my head and concentrate on work at home. Raine is a good baby, but she's not having that. Do it after she's gone to bed, you say? Well, by that time I'm completely burned out. So my options? Get up early and hit the computer before I hit the bus. Or add a few more hours to my day and work when the office gets quiet. Seeing that it is usually well after six before the office clears out, that doesn't seem like a viable option. I'll figure it out. I guess it all goes back to organizing your day and doing your best to stick to it.

One day before Raine is 18, I'll get the hang of it.

Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New Mommy Files, Part 15

Raine had a week with her dad, and it seems like they had a good time. Bananas for breakfast instead of rice cereal, playtime in the middle of the floor, toys covering every square inch of the floor. But as long as they had some quality time and everyone is in one piece, I’m happy. I can tell already that it’s going to be two against one. My hands are full.

Raine hit the seven-month mark today. I can’t believe that just seven months ago I was waddling around wondering what she would look like. The time has gone by so quickly and at the same time it’s only been seven months. I just love every little milestone. The teeth. The sitting up alone. The laughter. She’s definitely beginning to test us. I love the fake cries to get our attention. But as her dad says, “She’s the best.”

Our goal is to keep her out of daycare for the first year, and we are almost there. I have changed my outlook on spending so much time during the week away from her. It’s impossible to do it alone. And there’s no better help than the genuine help you get from family.

And everyone, I’m happy to report that I am down almost 9 pounds. Nine pounds makes such a difference. I told you all how my weight just got stuck after the initial 20 pounds dropped off after Raine’s birth. A little Billy Blanks Boot Camp and my 9-minute abs routine is working out. But I really think it was giving up the train ride and walking to my office from the bus station that is putting me over the edge. We’re talking 16 blocks roundtrip! And I’m usually walking at the speed of light trying to catch the bus. But as I’m quickly learning, with a new baby or kids in general you just have to make it work. If the only regular exercise you can get is the walk to and from work, then that’s what it is. Look, I’m not complaining. I tried on my test pair of pants, really just as motivation to keep on eating light and walking, and lo and behold they fit! A little snug, but just a few months ago I couldn’t pull them up over my thighs—no exaggeration! Operation svelte mommy is still in effect.

How are you other new mommies battling the baby bulge and fitting a little exercise into your day? Let me know. I need all of the help I can get.

Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion