Heart & Soul Magazine's Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Notes

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

New Mommy Files, Part 21

Raine knows how to kiss! It is the cutest thing. You just pucker up and make the kissy sound and she leans in to press her lips against yours. Aaaahhhh. I don't know how I feel about her putting so much energy into learning how to kiss. Why did she want to do that so quickly? Is it a sign of what's to come? I can't even think about it! For now, I'll just concentrate on the cute factor.

I've been hearing a lot about vaccines lately. What's so scary is the way certain vaccines are now being linked to autism. I don't know how certain the link is, but just the thought is enough to cause worry. What's a parent to do? Immunizations are vital, aren't they? I never gave much thought to them before. I was watching the news over the weekend and saw how a school district in Maryland is threatening to give jail time to parents who don't comply with the vaccination mandate. I don't want my child to run the risk of having to live with autism, and I don't want to go to jail. Will I have to one day make a choice?

The doctor gave Raine her shots so quickly I hardly knew what happened. You really do have to go into the doctor's office prepared. If you have questions, write them down. If your child had some strange symptom or something between visits, write that down, too. Once you make it into the office the doctor is on automatic. I really like our doctor; he's been with Raine since the day she was born. He always asks if I have any questions, but if it didn't occur on the way to the appointment, it has flown out of my head and doesn't decide to pop back in until after I get home. I know I'm repeating myself here, but organization is key when it comes to this baby thing.

Since I spoke to you last, I still haven't made a decision on how I'm going to structure my work life. What I do know is that I am going to have to restructure my attitude. I have to work with what I have. Although I miss Raine terribly during the week when she's with the grandparents and during the day when she's with my sister or her dad, it does give me time to get my hustle on to make things more the way I'd like them to be. So instead of complaining, I'm going to work. All of that laws of attraction stuff I've been reading on the bus is wearing off on me. If you think about what you don't want, you'll only get more of it. So think independently wealthy and the money (and nanny, in-law suite, personal trainer and vacation) will follow. It's worth a shot!

Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty & Fashion

Sunday, November 04, 2007

New Mommy Files, Part 20

I haven’t quite come to a decision on the whole work situation. I’ve prayed, meditated, read books, asked friends and family, called an angel guide (I know, I know) and sulked. But my goal is to decide over the weekend whether or not to opt for the freelance life again. If you think about it, I spend 12 hours a day wrapped up in work. From the time I get up in the morning to the time I enter the door at the end of the workday, I’m in a whole other world—one that has nothing to do with family life. Yes, it pays the bills. Yes, it’s a steady paycheck. But is that worth the lack of family time? Is it worth Raine being shuffled from household to household? I just can’t seem to justify it in my mind. Especially since I can freelance and get my own insurance. In my heart my mind is made up; now I just have to muster up the courage to make the change. We all just want a little more control over our days don’t we?

For the last 2 weeks Marc has watched Raine. It’s so funny. She really has him wrapped around her finger. She makes him hold her ALL DAY. She whimpers when he’s out of sight. And she wouldn’t sit and play longer than three minutes at a time. He called me a gazillion times a day. Mind you, this is a man that for the most part hates chatting on the phone. I’d come home to music playing, diapers littering the floor (why can’t they ever make it to the Magic Genie?) and cans of baby food across the kitchen counter. I love it, though. They are two peas in a pod. He always has it under control, even if it doesn’t look like it. They even ventured out a few times. And can I tell you she has a favorite song? She loves Alicia Keys’ new song. I don’t know the name, but it’s the one where Keys repeats “no one.” This song has literally stopped tears from flowing. Every time it comes on Raine looks for her dad. They dance together whenever it comes on. How cute.

I’ll let you know if I make my final decision over the weekend. Oh yeah. I have a question: Raine is really clingy these days. She won't let anyone but me, Marc, my mom, dad and sister hold her. Is this normal at eight months?

Marcia Caster
Senior Editor, Beauty and Fashion